How to Hang Trousers and Shirts

Certain things seem so obvious that attempting to have a conversation around them may sound more than queer.

But far from the truth, many things are not as obvious as they come off. Take for example hanging your shirts, jackets and even trousers on hangers in a closet/wardrobe.

This may seem so mundane. “Cummon, I have done that for donkey’s years,” some will muse at the idea of getting tips on the best ways to hang clothes. But check this.

We shall start with the shirt. We all wear them and preserve the best part of our wardrobe for them. Hangers are some of the most available accessories for this part of your room. Questions start from which type of hanger. The other would be when it is best to hang a shirt.

Don’t you know folks who after ironing their shirts will place it on a door knob or lay it on a bed? That is precarious! And more often than not, the shirt will fall off the knob while someone, or yourself, will forget and sit on that shirt that is on the bed. Save yourself the trouble and simply place the shirt on a hanger.

And not just any hanger. Avoid those wire ones; the type that are so en vogue at dry cleaners’. These tend to create a pucker around the yoke and shoulder, especially if you are going to keep that shirt hung in the closet for some days – for those who iron say, once a week.


So, get those thick plastic or jacket hangers for this and while at it, don’t put the hanger pin in your mouth or under your chin. No. This puts your teeth at risk but, importantly, you just won’t get it on symmetrically even.

So, simply let the hanger hang on the wardrobe rail and then place your shirt, adjusting it for even proportionate balance. After, adjust the collar and proceed to do the buttons. For long stay, fasten all the buttons down – yes, that is quite some work but assures one of an adulterated shirt after some days.

This also ensures the shirt does not fall off the hanger as well as stay in line and shape. Talking of falling, have you realised that dress trousers tend to fall off hangers; especially if it is that type on which you hang shirts? Well, take it from me; you are hanging your pants badly on the hanger.

For the most part, we prefer to fold the pants and keep them piled on each other in a suitcase or that part of the closet designed to accommodate them, but trousers do not always wish to have extra lines placed on them. So hanging especially the dress trousers on hangers in a right manner to avoid them falling will do the trick.

Hanging jackets is even more obvious; just ensure it is a jacket hanger lest it develops those puckers destroying the shoulder padding that gives it that characteristic rough look.

Keeping a jacket folded is a faux pas; I guess it should call for jail sentences in some corner of the world; do not dare it. Also, do not keep hung un-ironed shirts; when the time comes for ironing, you will feel like you have ironed 10 shirts in the place of one.

They get so hard, crispy for some materials, and simply too wrinkled to appear presentable on the body, even after using a steam iron.

Read More: Hanger Making Machine



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